June 17, 2024
Suma Capital reinforces its commitment to clean technologies with the integration of ENION Venture Partners
Read about the integration

Energy Transition Venture Capital

ENION Partners is a Venture Capital firm aiming to offer financial and strategic value to its Limited Partners by investing in early-stage technology-based start-ups that accelerate the energy industry transformation and climate action.

We contribute to reduce green-house gas emissions, minimize waste and improve efficiency in Energy use.
ENION Partners is a project sponsored by EIT InnoEnergy, the biggest Energy Transition start-up accelerator in Europe, based on access to a large network and deep knowledge of the industry needs.
Sustainable Development Goals

About us

ENION Partners is a Venture Capital firm committed to accelerate the Energy transition and Decarbonization of the economy by managing funds that invest in technology-based start-ups with positive impact in Climate Action. We want to contribute to reduce green-house gas emissions, minimize waste and improve efficiency in energy use.
On top of the financial return, we aim to provide strategic value to our industry Limited Partners by offering exposure and collaboration with the latest innovations related to their core fields of interest. We understand our partnership as a strategic collaboration involving them in all phases of the investment value chain.


Josep-Miquel Torregrosa

Josep-Miquel Torregrosa

General Partner
Xavier Sánchez

Xavier Sánchez

General Partner
Marc Fornell

Marc Fornell

Investment Associate
Albert Pérez

Albert Pérez

Investment Analyst

Supervisory committee

Rosario Nistal Murillo

Gerente de Inversiones

AXIS Participaciones Empresariales SGEIC, S.A.

Emili Curià Clotet

Investment Manager | Direcció de Capital Risc

Institut Català de Finances

Carlos Llombart Fuertes

Chief Legal Officer

Power Electronics

Miguel Rodrigo Gonzalo

Head of Regulatory Framework and Corporate Strategy

Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía

Joseba Mikel Lasa Morán

CEO InnoEnergy Iberia

Jordi Cebey Juanola

Nolabey Grup

The opportunity

The Energy Transition opportunity is driven by the sharp cost reduction of low carbon technologies and the power of the digitalisation to manage the whole system.
Key drivers are Decarbonization by boosting zero emissions energy production technologies, Decentralization by developing solutions that bring production centres and consumers closer together. Electrification by promoting the use of electricity as top consumed energy source, and Digitalization using most innovative technologies to contribute to the energy industry transformation.

What we do

We invest in seed+ and series A technology-based startups that create solutions for the energy transition and climate change mitigation. We look for early-stage start-ups owning solutions “Ready to Pilot or Ready to Sell”.

We do equity investments with first tickets ranging from 250k€ to 1M€. We aim to become long-term partners being able to do follow-on investments up to 3M€.

Investment fields

Sustainable sources
Energy from sustainable sources
Digitalization of the energy system
Green hydrogen
Green hydrogen
Energy storage
Distributed generation and flexibility
Circular economy
Energy for circular economy
Sustainable mobility
Enabling technologies
Enabling technologies
Combining these fields with Enabling Technologies – specifically Artificial Intelligence using Big Data Management, sensors, and modules of Internet of Things and Blockchain as the most reliable technology for traceability and energy transfer accounting.

Our value proposition

ENION Partners is managed by industry experts with an extensive worldwide network able to provide business development support for the portfolio companies.
We are part of the EIT InnoEnergy ecosystem which is the largest innovation and business ecosystem in Europe.


We believe in supporting innovators to change the world for better.


ENION Partners is aligned with Sustainable Development Goals, Environmental Social and Governance Goals and Principles for Responsible Investment Integration in all phases: fundraising, investment, holding period and divestment.
We have a deep Sustainability Commitment promoting best practice initiatives in the business and environment, setting commitments to build-up the long-term meaning, and responsible investment criteria therefore considering non-financial factors as potentially material aspects for investments’ decision-making.

“With reference to Article 6.1.a of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of 27 November 2019 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (hereinafter "SFDR"), the investment process takes into account sustainability risks and is based on internal and third party analysis. For this purpose, the Management Company will use its own methodology and will take as a reference the available information published by the entities in which it invests and may take into account the ESG ratings published by credit rating companies, as well as use data provided by external suppliers.

In relation to article 6.1.b of the SFDR, the sustainability risk of investments will depend, among others, on the company or vehicle in which it is invested, such as its sector of activity or geographic location. Thus, investments with a higher sustainability risk may suffer a decrease in price at the time of divestment and therefore negatively affect the net asset value of the vehicle.

In relation to Article 7.2 of the SFDR, likewise the Management Company plans to take into consideration adverse impacts on sustainability factors in its risk assessment process and their impact on the value of investments, for which due diligence policies are planned to be developed in relation to such adverse impacts and in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of the SFDR Regulation on the disclosure of information relating to sustainability in the financial services sector, to be reported by December 30, 2022.”


ENION Partners has all the necessary policies and procedures in place to ensure strict compliance and transparency in our operations. These measures establish our agreement with industry regulations, clarity in our investment processes, and safeguard the interests of our stakeholders.
We possess all the required conflict of interest management policies (Política de Gestión de Conflictos de Interés y Operaciones con Partes Vinculadas) to provide a framework within which to address areas where conflicts of interest may arise. It aims to promote transparency and fairness, and it prescribes processes that are essential to ensuring compliance with regulatory measures.

ENION Partners upholds a strong commitment to ethical business practices. As such, we maintain an internal Code of Conduct (Reglamento Interno de Conducta) that guides our actions, fosters integrity, and ensures utmost professionalism in all our endeavours.

We understand the significance of exercising voting rights responsibly. Thus, ENION Partners has a clear policy on exercise of voting rights (Política de Implicación de Ejercicio de los Derechos de Voto) with the purpose of promoting long-term value creation, protect shareholder interests, and ensure alignment with our investment objectives.

Our remuneration and incentive determination policy (Política de Remuneración y Determinación de Incentivos) outlines our principles and practices for determining remuneration packages and incentive schemes for our employees, always considering fairness, performance, and risk mitigation measures.
